Jim at The Honest Diver


Jim is a PADI Master Instructor and self-confessed kit nerd. He's literally like a walking product catalogue. If you're looking for a piece of gear, but you're not sure where to start, give Jim a shout. He will find out exactly what you need, what problems you're currently experiencing and everything you hope to achieve and turn it into a solution... It's amazing! He's been diving for 15 years and an instructor for over a decade. He adores sidemount diving, we can't remember the last time we saw him in a single tank set up outside of the training tank!

Jim's top tip

Buying gear as a beginner is a total minefield... believe me, I've been there, done that and then had to re-buy everything because I made the wrong decision! If you're building your first set of dive gear, give me a shout. Together we can work out exactly what you need. I'll help you cut through all the jargon and opinions on the internet and actually focus on what YOU need.

Team Honest