̶B̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ Blue Friday

22nd November 2022 By Nic

I’ve never been a fan of Black Friday shopping. I know that it’s just a gimmick – in fact, I saw an article this morning that said 98% of all Black Friday deals are found for the same price before and after the big event.

It’s all a bit of a sham really isn’t it?

So, The Honest Diver team has decided to do something a bit different. We’re turning Black Friday BLUE.


Black Friday deals for scuba diving equipment


Instead of pretending to promote cheap Black Friday deals for scuba gear (that just turn out to be fake anyway), we’ve decided to donate 50% of all our profits this weekend to charities that protect the ocean.

Every order you place between Black Friday (25th November 2022) and the end of Cyber Monday (28th November) will help protect the place that you love the most.


We are massive fans of PADI AWARE and we love the work that they do. Every dive done by The Honest team is a Dive Against Debris. We remove litter from underwater whenever we see it and report the data back to PADI AWARE. This is then used as evidence of the destruction caused by marine debris, driving changes in regulation and policy.



If you ever get the chance to visit Tynemouth Aquarium, be sure to drop by the seal hospital. There are always the cutest patients to visit as it’s usually full of sick and injured seals rescued along the North East coast. This time of year is especially busy as we’re in the middle of grey seal pupping season! The volunteers work round the clock to nurse patients back to health, ready to be released in the wild. The Honest Diver Team regularly help out – you might even spot us in scuba gear cleaning the tropical tank and seal enclosures!



As divers we never hope to need the assistance of the Lifeboats, but it’s certainly reassuring to know that they’re there! RNLI stations all over the country attend to divers when they find themselves in trouble, so it seems only right that we do our part to raise money for this incredible organisation. We support our local station in Blyth by raising funds and also helping them during training exercises so they know how to handle divers and their equipment.



I don’t want to see any virtual floodgates opening and yous lot crushing each other to buy stuff – there’s plenty for everyone! 😉

As always, if you need any help or advice just hollah – we’d love to help!



Nic at The Honest Diver


Nic is a PADI Course Director and Ocean Advocate. They're the co-founder of The Honest Diver and The Fifth Point along with Jim. They've been diving for 15 years and an instructor for over a decade. Their biggest passion is helping to save the ocean. Every dive They do is a Dive Against Debris and always comes out from every dive with pockets full of rubbish!